Aug 27, 2014 | Colin Todd | 1459 views
The deadline is fast approaching for ONE parent from every child that wishes to play hockey in the OMHA, at any level, to take the OMHA Respect in Sport Parent Program!!!
The deadline is fast approaching for ONE parent from every child that wishes to play hockey in the OMHA, at any level, to take the OMHA Respect in Sport Parent Program!!!
In order for your child or children to be rostered on any team and play hockey in any OMHA program, ONE parent is required to take the $13.00 online course. This is a one time training that the OMHA is enforcing in order to register your child/children starting in the 2014/2015 season.
You will need to go to the OMHA website, click on "Clinics" then "Respect in Sport Parent Program" log in at bottom of page. From here you will have to enter the correct spelling of your child/children. If your player has already been registered with the OMHA, you will have to ensure that the spelling is the same as what they have in data base.
OMHA Name: Abbigale Smith
Incorrect Entry: Abby Smith
Our Registrar, Rob Crowley (705-872-1149) may be able to assist you in the spelling.
Sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause!
Thank you in advance
Colin Todd