Bench Qualifications (Otonabee Minor Hockey)

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Much of the stress and delay in getting teams rostered is actually the Bench Staff.  Every year the Head Coach must pick a Trainer and a Manager.  After that they can pick an assistant coach and an assistant trainer if they like but they are not required positions to get a team's roster approved.  The coach should make this decision early and ensure those people are actually qualified to be on the bench.  Sometimes the only way to know if the qualifications of a person are current is to email the Registrar ([email protected]) and have them check.  You will need to provide you name and date of birth in the email. 

Please note you cannot roster a team until you have qualified people.  You must identify those 3 key positions for your bench:  Head Coach, Trainer and Manager.  Once you have these three people in place you can then add assistants.  Hockey Canada will not allow the team to be rostered until these positions are filled first.

Each member of the bench must meet the requirements outlined in this document. 

Bench Staff requirements

Your qualifications are electronically upload to your profile by the OMHA and will then allow you to be rostered to a team in that position


Please note that as of 2017, ALL bench staff MUST complete the new Gender Identity and Expression course before they may be rostered with their team.  This is an online course that takes approximately 2 hours, with no test at the end.

Follow the link below for the registration page, you must log in using your current Hockey Canada login or create a new one

Gender Identity and Expression Course


Every single person on your bench including manager must have the Respect in Sport for Activity Leader Course

Please note that the Respect in Sport Course you have taken for the being a parent is NOT the same Respect in Sport Course required for the bench staff.  It is a different course called "Respect in Sport for Activity Leader"  and can be found at this link.  This course is an online course.  You must take it once in your career.  Click on the link below to take you to the OMHA course:

Respect in Sport for Activity Leader Course - a must for all Bench Staff!