Sep 08, 2014 | Colin Todd | 1196 views
Thursday September 11, 2014 is the final day that Otonabee Minor Hockey will accept the on line course for the MANDATORY Respect in Sport Parent Program.
Otoanbee Minor Hockey needs to register all players prior to the start of our season immediately.
Our season starts around September 20, 2014(to be confirmed), with first games scheduled for the Rep teams on September 26, 2014.
In order for us to have all of our players registered prior to September 20, and have them eligible to play on September 26, we have to have them entered NO LATER THEN Monday September 15, 2014.
Keep in mind that it is every organization and team in Ontario that is trying to enter their players by this dead line!
If for any reason, our Registrar can not register the player, they will not be able to play until it is completed.
For more information, please refer to previous postings
Thank you in advance
Colin Todd
President, Otonabee Minor Hockey