Jul 19, 2018 | Abickmore | 1726 views
2018-19 Otonabee Wolves Teams
The Otonabee Minor Hockey Executive has confirmed our teams for the 2018-19 season. These are sometimes very difficult decisions, as our registration numbers often restrict us from offering hockey at the representative and local league levels of play. We consider the numbers of players in each age category and the expected competitiveness of the group. We have discussed and considered many options before making these decisions.
IP (Initiation)
There will be 6 IP teams this year.
There will be at least 2 tyke teams, with the potential for 3, depending on final registration numbers.
There will be 1 novice LEO team.
There will be an ATOM Rep team and an ATOM LEO team. The tryout schedule will be posted at a later date.
There will be a Peewee LEO team.
Per OMHA regulation 3.5, any player wishing to play rep may request written permission to attend tryouts for rep in their next closest center (this is Douro for most players)
There will be a bantam Rep team and an bantam LEO team. The tryout schedule will be posted at a later date.
There will be NO midget team offered this year. All players are being released to tryout in their next closest centers offering midget hockey
There will be a juvenile Rep team if registration numbers allow.