2021/22 Covid-19 Protocols, News (Otonabee Minor Hockey)

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Aug 30, 2021 | Abickmore | 1420 views
2021/22 Covid-19 Protocols
Greetings everyone!

As we get closer to the start of our hockey season, we wanted to provide an update on some of the protocols in place for the beginning of the season.

There is little change from last year and as always, these will be assessed and updated as necessary.

At this time, dressing room usage will only be available for players  in U11 and above.  Players in U9 and below are expected to arrive to the rink fully dressed (aside from skates and helmet).  This will be assessed and reconsidered by October.

All spectators to the arena will be expected to follow township guidelines for self-screening and contact tracing.

The following regulations come from the direction of The Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan.

  • All skaters and coaches must wear a face covering in the facility until they put on their helmets to go on the ice.  
  • Any coaches not on the ice (or in the players' benches) must wear a face covering
  • If at any point a coach or volunteer comes within two (2) meters of an unmasked participant, full PPE is required, which will include but not limited to, a medical mask, safety glasses and/or face shield.
  • One (1) spectator will be permitted in the facility per participant
  • All participants/family members must enter through the south main entrance
  • Dressing rooms will be available 15 minutes before and 15  minutes after rental to allow time for cleaning.  Showers will not be permitted.  No dressing room use for U9 and below (as per Otonabee Minor Hockey)
  • Family members/guardians will NOT be permitted in the dressing rooms (U11 and above)
  • Young players are encouraged to get fully dressed before entering the facility
  • Participants needing help getting skates tied or with a piece of equipment, a coach will help that player, NOT a parent/guardian.

A few additional protocols in place as per Otonabee Minor Hockey's Safety Plan:
  • All participants, including players, coaches and bench staff, must complete a self-assessment prior to each practice or game, including any off-ice activities.
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Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
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