Facility Covid Protocols for Otonabee Minor Hockey, News (Otonabee Minor Hockey)

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Oct 13, 2021 | Abickmore | 1510 views
Facility Covid Protocols for Otonabee Minor Hockey

1. All spectators, aged 12 and over must be fully vaccinated and show proof prior to entry
2. Facility is open to full capacity
3. No ice capacity limit
4. Entry for participants is 30 minutes prior to scheduled game using main entrance
5. Entry for spectators is 30 minutes prior to scheduled game using main entrance
6. Participants must exit the facility within 30 minutes of the end of game using closest exit
7. Spectators must exit the facility immediately after the end of game, using the closest exit
8. No exit and re-entry is permitted for spectators, facility doors will be locked
9. Lobby washrooms are available
10. No parents allowed in the dressing room area
11. Manager or Coach of the visiting team is responsible for completing their teams covid attendance and screening checklist for all players, bench staff and visitors entering the facility.  A copy of this is to be given to the Coach of the home team before leaving the facility.
12. A representative from the visiting team must sign in at the front door to confirm self assessment screening is complete for all players, bench staff and spectators ie Coach or Manager
13. Masks are mandatory within the facility
14. Debit is accepted and encouraged for gate fees to lessen the handling of cash
15. No capacity limits for dressing rooms
16. Shower usage and changeroom washrooms are available
Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
"WE SERVE" The Lions Club of Keene definitely do that!!!! There is not an event that the Lions Club does not reach out and provide services to our community with generous hearts and smiling faces. What would our community be without the support from our Lions Club...Always there with a Food Trailer to any event you ask them from car shows, Pumpkin Fest, golf tournaments. Leading the way at annual parades, road cleanups. Hosts or weekly Wednesday nigh BINGO and of course..OUR ANNUAL CORDWOOD BONSPIEL that every adult and child from Keene will always remember!!! THANK YOU is not enough for all you do
Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
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