Nomination Results, News (Otonabee Minor Hockey)

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May 22, 2023 | Abickmore | 482 views
Nomination Results
Please note, nominations for the 2023/24 Otonabee Minor Hockey Executive are now closed:

The results are as follows:

1. Brian Bickmore – Acclaimed

Vice President
1. Keith Beasley
2. Colin Todd

1. Cathy Wood – Acclaimed

1. Denise Cornish – Acclaimed

1. Cathy Wood – Acclaimed

1. Vacant

Local League Rep
1. Greg Post
2. Colin Todd

Speak Out Coordinator
1. Ken Beasley
2. Colin Todd

Coach Conveyor
1. Greg Post – Acclaimed

1. Amy Bickmore
2. Colin Todd

Equipment Manager
1. Brian Bickmore – Acclaimed

1. Tracy Shaw - Acclaimed

Once again, we will be hosting the vote online using the Election Buddy platform.   Last year's vote had the largest turnout in at least the last 6 years and allows for fair participation for all of our members by not limited the voting process to only those able to attend the AGM itself.

Only those positions not listed as acclaimed are eligible for voting and will be the only positions listed on the ballot.

As a reminder, as per the constitution, one vote per household/family (inclusive of split/blended families) is permitted and the voting delegates have been determined by the first member of the household to register.

The voting platform will be available from May 24 @ 8:00am until May 29 @ 8:00pm.

Voting delegates will receive a secure voting link directly from the website with instructions on how to vote to the email address provided with your registration.

Results of the vote will be shared at the AGM and then posted to our website.
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Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
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