Options for the 2018-19 Season, News (Otonabee Minor Hockey)

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Apr 02, 2018 | cferg | 2182 views
Options for the 2018-19 Season

Now that the 2017-18 season has wound down some of us are starting to make plans for the 2018-19 season.  This communication is intended to help you make informed decisions for next season.

Now that the 2017-18 season has wound down some of us are starting to make plans for the 2018-19 season.  This communication is intended to help you make informed decisions for next season.

As of now Otonabee plans to have the following levels of hockey for the 2018-19 season:

  • Initiation (2012-2014)

  • Tyke Local League (2011)

  • Novice Local League (2010)

  • Atom Representative and Local League (2008-09)

  • Peewee Local League (2006-07)

  • Bantam Representative and Local League (2004-05)

  • Juvenile Representative – the new 2018-19 Executive will decide if Otonabee hosts juvenile hockey.  This decision is expected in May after the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


     Other Options for Representative Level Hockey

    AAA Hockey is available to all of us in the Peterborough Zone.  A Permission to Skate form is required to attend tryouts in April.  Contact the Otonabee Registrar for a PTS form.  Typically there are costs associated with tryouts.


    All players Novice and above have the right to attend tryouts for representative hockey.  If Otonabee is not offering rep then a release form is available, upon request, to attend tryouts in the next closest center based on your residency.  The next closest center for Otonabee players is usually one of Douro, Norwood, Peterborough, or Millbrook.  Contact the Otonabee Registrar for a release form.  This is a release for a single season only – you must return to Otonabee next season.


    Players peewee age and above also have the right to attend tryouts for either AA or A hockey in Peterborough.  Each AA or A team is allowed to have up to 3 non-resident players (NRP) on their rosters.  You need an NRP Passport from Otonabee to attend these tryouts.  Contact the Otonabee Registrar for an NRP form.  As well you need to understand and follow the PHA’s rules for tryouts.  Typically there are costs associated with tryouts. There is a lot of information online at https://peterboroughhockey.com/Pages/8250/Tryout_Info_IMPORTANT/


    As well peewee aged players and above who have joined us from Peterborough now have the option of trying out for Otonabee rep if they have attended rep tryouts in Peterborough.  If you attend the Peterborough tryouts and are not offered a roster position then you can ask for an NRP Passport from Peterborough to attend rep tryouts Otonabee.


    Peterborough Tryouts:

    AAA – April 16th

    AA – following AAA (around April 24th)

    A, AE  – following AA


    Otonabee tryouts will be in September.  Tryouts in Douro, Norwood, Millbrook, etc. typically start in September as well, but you should contact those centers to confirm their timelines.




    Higher levels of hockey typically cost more to play.  Typical registration and team fee costs per season (excluding travel) are:


    AAA – about $2000-$3000 depending on the amount of fundraising the team does

    AA, A, AE – ranges from $1500-$2500, typically more in the older age categories

    Otonabee Representative or Local League – about $700.  Novice costs are about $600.

    Costs in neighbouring centers are typically equal to or a little higher than Otonabee costs.


    Other Options for House League (HL) or Local League  (LL) Hockey

    Within the OMHA (Ontario Minor Hockey Association), players can play HL or LL hockey anywhere – there are no restrictions based on residency.  Peterborough typically offers a house league in all age categories from IP through Juvenile.  As well most neighbouring centers (Douro, Norwood, Millbrook, Ennismore) typically offer LL hockey (depending on the number of players and skill levels of those players).


Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough
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Tim Bits graciously sponsors all of our U7 teams with free jerseys for all of our players. Tim Hortons Hockey indicative has helped so many Canadians in our National Sport and we could not thank them enough